Expert Tree and Palm Services in Southern Portugal

With 10 years of tree work experience, including 3 in the Algarve, there is no company more capable to undertake your tree work. Contact James today for free expert advice and quotation.
+351 910547772 


  • Tree Pruning – We can reduce or reshape the canopy of your trees. Including building clearance, formative pruning to achieve a healthy natural shape, heavy reductions for trees that have become massively overgrown for their area.
  • Tree Removal – Specialists in removal of dead, dangerous and dying trees, we can remove any tree, in any position. Don’t let your property get damaged by amateurs.
  • Palm Cleaning – The removal of dead fronds and any seed heads in the crown.
  • Palm Removal – The removal of all types of palm down to a low stump, safely.
  • Palm Stem Cleaning – We offer this service for Washingtonia palms that are established in their planting, it is unwise to remove the petioles of palms if they are not well established in their location as the petioles are an adaptation to increase moisture content in the trunk, removing them from young palms could cause stress.
  • Tree and Palm Planting – We can recommend appropriate species, source and plant any tree or palm where you want it.
  • Hedge Trimming and Maintenance – Whilst not our main business, we do offer hedge trimming and reshaping services.
  • Stump Grinding – We are able to remove stumps or roots from your garden.
  • Expert Advice – All our recommendations are based on the latest scientific advice regarding tree management.
  • Responsible waste management – Whether chipped and used as mulch or cut into firewood, the waste from your tree work will be managed responsibly.
  • Mulching/chipping – Reduce the water demand for your trees by using the chipped prunings to mulch around the rootplate of your trees. This increases humidity in the soil beneath and supports healthy future growth.